智能Web算法 第2版中文版怎么样?
机器学习一直是人工智能研究领域的重要方向,而在大数据时代,来自Web 的数据采集、挖掘、应用技术又越来越受到瞩目,并创造着巨大的价值。本书是有关Web数据挖掘和机器学习技术的一本知名的著作,第2 版进一步加入了本领域最新的研究内容和应用案例,介绍了统计学、结构建模、推荐系统、数据分类、点击预测、深度学习、效果评估、数据采集等众多方面的内容。《智能Web算法(第2版)》内容翔实、案例生动,有很高的阅读价值。
Haralambos (Babis) Marmanis 博士是一个把机器学习技术应用于工业界的先行者,也是供应管理的世界级专家。Dmitry Babenko曾经为银行、保险、供应链管理与商务智能公司设计过应用与基础架构。 本书拥有者可以通过 www.manning.com/AlgorithmsoftheIntelligentWeb在线获得作者的信息、样例代码与免费的电子版本。 Dr. Haralambos (Babis) Marmanis is a pioneer in the adoption of machine learning techniques for industrial solutions, and also a world expert in supply management. He has about twenty years ... Haralambos (Babis) Marmanis 博士是一个把机器学习技术应用于工业界的先行者,也是供应管理的世界级专家。Dmitry Babenko曾经为银行、保险、供应链管理与商务智能公司设计过应用与基础架构。 本书拥有者可以通过 www.manning.com/AlgorithmsoftheIntelligentWeb在线获得作者的信息、样例代码与免费的电子版本。 Dr. Haralambos (Babis) Marmanis is a pioneer in the adoption of machine learning techniques for industrial solutions, and also a world expert in supply management. He has about twenty years of experience in developing professional software. Currently, he is the director of R&D and chief architect, for expense management solutions, at Emptoris, Inc. Babis holds a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Brown University, an M.S. degree in theoretical and applied mechanics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and B.S. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. He was the recipient of the Sigma Xi award for innovative research in 2000, and he is the author of numerous publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, conferences, and technical periodicals. Dmitry Babenko is the lead for the data warehouse infrastructure at Emptoris, Inc. He is a software engineer and architect with 13 years of experience in the IT industry. He has designed and built a wide variety of applications and infrastructure frameworks for banking, insurance, supply-chain management, and business intelligence companies. He received a M.S. degree in computer science from Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
第1章 为智能Web建立应用1
第2章 从数据中提取结构:聚类和数据变换21
第3章 推荐系统的相关内容48
第4章 分类:将物品归类到所属的地方79
第5章 在线广告点击预测.109
第6章 深度学习和神经网络.135
第7章 做出正确的选择168
第8章 智能Web的未来196